Written by Doug Puccetti(Me) on www.techhog.com:
Google is now implementing something called Public Alerts with Google Maps. Public Alerts is an emergency awareness system for events like earthquakes, blizzards and floods, in locations that you search. Google teamed up with companies like the US Geological Survey (USGS), the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Weather Service to help produce accurate information for local areas. Currently, when using Public Alerts, the only information given on the emergency is How likely, How soon and How severe.
The service is currently available for the US but Google plans on allowing other companies to implement their alerts as well, as long as they follow the Common Alerting Protocol. In the future, Google plans on adding more countries and alert features as well as making this service available on other Google products and services as well.
Good move Google, I think this is a great step in the correct direction.
Source: The Verge
Image: Google LatLong Blog