Written by Doug Puccetti(Me) on www.techhog.com:
Order and Chaos is a must have for anyone with an Android or iOS device!
Order and Chaos by Gameloft is an Massive Multilayer Online Role Playing Game or, more simply put MMORPG, that is available for your mobile device (sorry Windows 7 users). It is one of its kind having 3D graphics and being a real time, open world MMORPG for your mobile cell phone or tablet. With little to no game lag and only a few minor glitches, it is defiantly worth the $6.99 purchase price in the market. Normally MMORPG’s like World of Warcraft and Aion require a hefty monthly payment. Order and Chaos is different when it comes to this.
When you first purchase the game from the market or
Gameloft’s website, you have to set up a Gameloft live account. It’s simple and the account is free to have. After you set up your account you will then have 3 free months of play time for Order and Chaos. This is pretty neat knowing you just spent $6.99 on it. After the 3 months are over you’ll be prompted to purchase more game time. Have no fear, it wont break the bank. He are the prices for game time:

$0.99 a month is fairly cheap knowing that games can sometimes charge an upwards of $15.00 per month. Its a total of $6.00 a year if you buy two 6 month subscriptions. There is no way this game will break the bank. Purchasing things is as simple as taping on your inventory, going to ‘Get More Coins’, taping on what you would like to purchase (game time, runes, in game gold), and paying with your Android Market account or iTunes account.
Like I stated above, the game runs flawlessly and has pretty decent graphics for a cellphone/tablet game. The graphics do remind me and others of World of Warcraft but that is something I can see past. Before you start playing you have to double check and make sure your WiFi is connected. If its not than you will get prompted to change your setting for this game uses a lot of data.

After logging in to your freshly made Gameloft live account, you will get to the character selection screen. This allows you to create 3 characters (4 if you purchase the slot) choosing between Orc, Undead, Human and Elf. You then will have the option to customize your character with over 100 different combinations such as hair color, skin color, face features and hair style. When that is all said and done you will be able to choose a class. Pick between Warrior, Ranger, Mage and Monk but choose wisely, what you pick is what you get. Then name your character and select what server you want to play on. As of right now there are only 4 servers and the game is not cross platform. Meaning people with the Android version can not play with people that have the iOS version… yet.
Controls, UI and Gameplay:
The controls and UI are user friendly in my book but I will say they took a while to get used to. Playing in landscape mode you need to use the left thumb to move and the right thumb to change camera view, jump, attack, use spells and abilities, loot monsters and pretty much anything else you can think of. Pinch in and out with your fingers to zoom the camera in and out.Your health and vital information is in the upper left (including your current level) and enemy vitals as well. Your mini map is on the upper right allowing you to tap it to open a larger world map. At the bottom of the screen you see and arrow pointing up. Tap on that arrow and it expands the real time in game chat. There are options for talking globally, locally or whisper to a friend. The arrow on the right expands out and allows you to store more items like potions and food.

When in your menu/inventory you will be able to look at what things are in your bags, inspect items you might have, check quests, see what friends are online, etc.

You will also be able to choose from a few different professions in game. They include Blacksmithing, Tailoring and Leatherworking. Through out your journey you will be able to level professions through 5 ranks; Primary, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional and Master. Another thing to note are deaths. When you die you can choose to re-spawn at your location for 1 rune or at a local graveyard for a loss of gold if your character is above level 10. If there is a nearby monk, they can resurrect you instead.
When you’re first starting you might get frustrated with how slow the game play is, but as you progress things happen faster and become more challenging. The game sometimes feels repetitive at times when you just do quests and kill creatures, but you can also join a party to defeat dungeons together or elite monsters. I have encountered a few glitches while playing Order and Chaos. First glitch that I keep running in to is my target gets DE-targeted until it attacks me again. That bothers me most when I’m at low health and trying to finish the fight before I die. Other than that there are times where NPC’s (Non Player Characters) get glitched or wont talk to me when I need to hand in a quest (I hope its not because I forgot to shower…)
Gameloft has provided us, as gamers, with a wonderful and mind blowing game for our cell phones/tablets. So what are you waiting for, head over to the
Android Market,
Apple’s app Store or
Gameloft’s website and join thousands as they fight the battle of Order and Chaos.
For detailed in game information check out the
Order and Chaos Wiki