Monday, November 28, 2011

Game Reviews Starting Soon

I have been thinking lately. Since I have Been focusing on writing on with my phone reviews and news, I think Ill start reviewing games on this site. Games will include PC, Xbox, PS3 and Wii.

Ill be reviewing basic elements of newer games. Nothing in-depth that will give away the story line, just what to expect, basics of the game and most importantly, my thoughts on the game.

Games you can expect to soon see include:
  1. Skyrim (Of course)
  2. Diablo III (Beta)
  3. Path of Exile(Beta)
  4. Star Wars Old Republic (Beta)
  5. and other games that are requested. 
I will also be writing about Random games like:
  • Indie games in the Xbox marketplace
  • Patches and new Downloaded content
  • Starcraft custom games, Etc...
Hope you guys enjoy this new change, and hopefully this will be one of your new stops for game information and reviews.

Any games you would like to see? Let me know!!

Tweet me @ohmyitsDoug
or email me at

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