The phone itself sizes in at 4.47 x 2.32 x 0.53 in (LxWxH). I know it doesn't sound like much since everyone's a 'size queen' now adays but its a great change. Since the LG Phoenix is an android device it comes standard with email, music, web, Blue tooth, WiFi and yes even sms/mms. The battery capacity is 1500 mAh and using it heavily, It lasts me a day and a half.
Let me explain a few things I wish LG would have done to make this a phone i would replace my current one with. First things first, the screen material(for lack of a better term). Its not the awesome glass that everyone's used to on a high end smartphone, its more like a cheap plastic feeling. However using it for a week I haven't accumulated any scratches... knock on wood. Second, I wish it had a faster processor. It come standard with a 600MHz processor which is fine and has very little lag when doing things, but when you try to multitask you can feel it slow down. Lastly I wish it had a larger MP camera. Its only 3.2MP with no flash which is standard for a basic phone but if it's gonna be a replacer, it has to be at least 5MP+ with flash in my book.
So all-in-all I like this phone and if you want a nice, compact, reliable android phone without either breaking the bank or too large of a screen, The LG Phoenix is the way to go.
Other Information worth knowing...
If you planing on rooting this phone, the processor cant get overclocked higher than 600(Lame I know. Drop F-bombs, break things, listen to metal, whatever you have to do to get your frustration out). This phone would be on a top list of mine if i could over clock it to 1gHz.
Also, custom roms are hard to find for this device, might have to check out xda for custom roms (Try searching for LG Optimus T or V roms).
Any other questions feel free to ask!
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