Sunday, September 11, 2011


Welcome to Daily Electronic!

My name is Doug and my passion and drive for the newest and coolest technology lead me to making this wonderful blog you will call home for the next 20 minutes or so... Hopefully longer. I plan on posting blogs about new cellphones, tablets and electronics, reviewing those same types of products, insider scoop on hacking and customizing your phone and maybe will go off on a few tangents here or there... (I tend to run in to some crazy things during my day which I'm sure ill share.)

I'll try to post something new every day(hinting at "Daily" in the title) or every other day(I do have a life too you know, Shocker). I am also making something in the works about either weekly "Weird things found on eBay" or "Awesome randomness you must have(or at least I want).

Hope you enjoy what I have to say!
Feel free to contact me on here or on twitter, @ohmyitsdoug

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